Month – September 2014

The fearless zombie hunters

So today Little A and Little D helped me clear a bunch of gardening stuff and assorted junk off the back patio, in exchange for a trip to Toys R Us later, where each of them would get to pick one (relatively inexpensive) toy. Both of them opted for Nerf guns (because apparently the 7 […]

Yes. And Unicorns.

Me (while helping Little D find a pair of socks): Oh look, there’s that tiger costume I got for A when she was little! Little D (curiously): I’ve never seen it. (This despite the fact that it is sitting clearly visible in the room they share, although maybe he just meant he’d never seen A wearing […]


Yesterday, coming in the back gate with Little A, I put my hand over the gate to unlatch it and discovered the hard way that the latch was covered with spider webs. Again. Me (wiping webs off my hands): “Aaaagh! Yuck! I keep clearing the spider webs off, but the damn spider keeps rebuilding them. […]

The perfect weapon

Little A, in the washroom at the local park, while drying her hands under the hot air dryer and gazing contemplatively at the trash can next to it: “You know, if I could just divert this air flow over *there*, I could make the perfect weapon…” Me: “Really? How would you do that?” Little A: […]